Sunday, July 13, 2008

INTRODUCTION : Action Research Versus Clinical Supervision - Which is your choice?

Goodman (1998.p.50) claims that 'during the last two decades, the field of educational field and social research has undergone a great deal of intellectual and methodological turmoil. Many educational theories have been proposed and introduced. School administrators and teachers are encouraged to try to practice these theories. In order to adopt any of these theories into a normal practice in education, school administrators and teachers have to engage themselves in "change" and subsequently they need to transform the role as "teachers" to "learners" or playing the two roles simultaneously.

CHANGE is obliquitous and there is always something fresh to discover about change. School administrators and teachers need to be aware that "CHANGE IS A JOURNEY, NOT A BLUEPRINT" (Fullan 1994, p.24) and they have to marry theories with practice so as to put them into praxis. This inevitably becomes precarious and threatening to those who are newly exposed to action research. Even though David Boud and David Walker (1991. p.37) claims that learners are actively pursuing knowledge and will find opportunities for learning in a variety of situation, but the questions remain : How many school administrators and teachers are active learners? How many of them are ready or willing to be active learners?

Reference : Teh Oh Kian, Principal SMKJ Tinggi Cina Melaka

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