Wednesday, May 14, 2008


ACTION RESEARCH involves and his group members sharing concern with everyday practical problems encountered by teachers and perhaps students. Broadly, action research can be divided into three types :

1. Participatory Action Research - an alternative form of social research
2. Critical Action Research - one that involves mixed groups of participants from
various sectors
3. Classroom Action Research - (Henry & McTaggart 1996, p.6)

Action research is a cyclic project involving PLANNING, ACTION AND OBSERVATION, REFLECTION and EVALUATION. It aims at a big concern - to attain meaningful professional development for the researchers involved in particular and improvement in educational situations in general, through systematic and strategic research methodologies. Most often than not, action research involves a triangular process of three parties - teacher, observer and students. In action research, each act (planning, action and observation, reflection and evaluation) is called a spiral. The researcher will move to the next spiral after the plan has been revised so to achieve more attainable or intended results.

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