Thursday, May 15, 2008

ACTION RESEARCH - The Rationale For Specific Change

We cannot but to agree MacNaugton (1998, p.31) that within critical theory, people are perceived as capable of changing their lives to improve them. However, MacNaughton feel that research must be undertaken by expert researchers who can be objective and value-free in their research for truth about education (p.30). It remains a question as who is to make judgment on the research findings by the experts. Anyhow, we should not be dettered by MacNaughton's feelings about research to be taken by experts as his opinion may be is just a mere fallacy! As educators, we ought "to do something which will bring about improvement or change" (Kemmis & McTaggart 1988, p.48).

There is a general consensus that schools should be given a new identity as a dynamic organization. Teachers' and students' roles, teaching and learning processes, learning environment and method of managing the school curriculum need to be reviewed (Noor Azmi 1996). This is in line with the goals of action research.

Knaus (1997, p.10) asserts precisely that "IN ORDER TO OPEN YOUR MIND TO POSITIVE CHANGE, YOU NEED TO DEVELOP WHAT I CALL A RATIONAL PERSPECTIVE". Building a rational perspective involves putting failure into perspective confronting beliefs that are holding us back. It is not quite possible to have 'change' without reflection and evaluation. A possible wayt to perform 'change' is by taking up action research.

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